Welcome To My World!

My name is Ali Ameri, I am a Computer Engineer in the making.

I am very much into Coding and Programming and other Computer Skills, the matter which helped me to dive in the Online business. I am looking for the right people that have the will power and determination to develop the “skills” and get the “tools” needed to become a Successful Online Entrepreneurs.

I am in the process of positioning myself to become financially independent so that I can eventually start my own business after graduation! Yes, maybe it is a little bit early, but I pick it up from my Mentor when he always says; I quote “ It takes time to build a successful business online and in the end the reward is definitely worth it!”.

I searched around, ( just like you probably have), for the best online education/ courses in the markets, but it was hard to find a good solution! Now, I totally depend on my Dad accumulated experience in both Casual and Online business , he is my best mentor!

My mentor ( Dad ), encouraged me to acquire a substantial living standard by working online in my free times and holidays, regardless of what the niche or market is. He literally took me by the hand and provided me step by step instructions which worked perfectly with me, and now I feel it is impossible to fail because I am working consistently.

Don’t get me wrong, I can say hands down, I wasn’t aware, how to run an online business. I didn’t know what is Traffic, Funnels, Auto Responder, Tracking, or even knew how to place Ads, but now ,thanks to my great Dad, I know how it works perfectly!

I was confused! I dealt with the frustrations of being overwhelmed and felt defeated often. But, now I have a solid confidence in myself and know that secrets, from a great Teacher who changed my mindset entirely.

My eagerness to succeed is so powerful now, and there is nothing stopping me. My determination to never give up, was and still is motivating me to succeed today because I know I want and deserve a better life.

With that being said, I determined to move it forward by introducing and showing new Entrepreneurs a new way to attain and develop their own Digital lifestyle.

As you are taking the Leap of Success, you will not only put yourself in position to set up a legacy for your family, but most of all you will be totally control over your life! It’s a life changing experience!

My best Inspiration is “ I Learn, I Do, I Teach “ , so I have already done the first two and now it’s great to teach you a lot of things on how to make the most of the Internet and Technology!

You’re invited as a leader, who is willing to invest the time and effort, to put his skills together and discover a new playing field in the online industry.

I will be available here to help anyone to develop the skills, but most importantly develop the mindset needed to become a successful online entrepreneur. Please make sure you will never know your full potential if you never take a chance to invest in yourself?!

I must say, I’ve never been so excited to finally know that I have positioned myself to become a successful online teacher! So what are you waiting on? Don’t delay! Get the skills needed to master your life!

I bet you’re wondering if this is another attempt to brain wash or persuade you with the gimmicks, nonsense, etc.. But guess what?! NO! I’m not doing that!

My Certificates